Mike Kurtz

Allyson passed in October 2016. l was not ready for her passing, but who is? Allyson had Ovarian Cancer that returned. First, after her death, I was in shock and then I got angry and isolated myself from everybody including my family. As a recluse I watched TV ate and slept. That was about all. I was in a hole. I felt that there was no reason to continue on, I wanted to be with Allyson. This scared me. I reached out to a bereavement group for help, but found that my grief was not the same as others in the group, I had not lost my dog. Lucky for me that the facilitators understood my situation. One of the facilitators named Pam, hugged me and said that she knew of the right group for me, and if I came to the group on Sunday afternoon she would give me another hug. I did, she did, and l joined WPAC the next week. I had found where people understood me and could help me as peers. I felt safe letting out my story and tears.

Since then I have become one of the facilitators and have been honored to present in Grief Recovery Workshops. I am able to share my experiences and my Post Traumatic Growth (PTG).

Mike Kurtz


Phone: (916) 972-9722

Office Hours:
M - W - F    10 am - 1 pm

Email: wpac1@sacwidowed.org

Mailing Address:
2628 El Camino Avenue Suite D-18
Sacramento, CA 95821

Facebook logo  facebook.com/sacwidowed.org

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Widowed Persons Association of California, Sacramento (WPAC™)


A non-profit, non-denominational community service organization dedicated to helping widowed men and women overcome grief after the loss of their spouse.

WPAC™ offers Grief Recovery Programs consisting of weekly Sunday Support, and a six-week Grief Recovery Workshop, held 4 times per year. WPAC also offers an extensive Social Activities calendar.
