About Zoom


New to Meeting Virtually?

As of August 24, 2021, WPAC is not offering Zoom Sessions. We will update this information if and when we are resuming Zoom Sessions. This innovative technology has been important in letting many of us stay connected to our family and friends during the pandemic. And many businesses have survived and thrived because this technology has been key to let employees work from home.

If you’re not familiar with Zoom, you can click here to review online tutorials and support options at Zoom. You can always reach out to us too!


Phone: (916) 972-9722

Office Hours:
M - W - F    10 am - 1 pm

Email: wpac1@sacwidowed.org

Mailing Address:
2628 El Camino Avenue Suite D-18
Sacramento, CA 95821

Facebook logo  facebook.com/sacwidowed.org

Make a Donation to WPAC™
WPAC Donation QR Code
Widowed Persons Association of California, Sacramento (WPAC™)


A non-profit, non-denominational community service organization dedicated to helping widowed men and women overcome grief after the loss of their spouse.

WPAC™ offers Grief Recovery Programs consisting of weekly Sunday Support, and a six-week Grief Recovery Workshop, held 4 times per year. WPAC also offers an extensive Social Activities calendar.
