l have been a member of WPAC since 2004. I came to the organization at the suggestion of my Hospice Counselor. l was still teaching and had no more sick leave. My husband died of brain cancer after a lengthy battle. My house was in terrible condition after my husband’s lengthy illness and I was low on funds. I went to WPAC because people understood the situation and gave me guidance and ideas for coping skills so I could continue working and not lose my home. I did not have family support in Sacramento so WPAC became a family to me.
One member even helped me purchase a new automobile as mine was about 20 years old and needed to go. It took 12 hours to find and purchase a new car. I had never purchased a new car on my own as I had married at 21 and before that my Dad got my car. There are so many things that people are dependent on their mates for and the widows and widowers help each other. Thanks to WPAC l was able to continue teaching inner-city sixth graders and a few even came to my class and gave me support. i am forever grateful for this organization and will do all loan to keep it thriving.
When I was off work I became very involved in volunteering and activities. WPAC gave me meaningful friendship and support that other friends and family could not. i have been a greeter, facilitator and have presented In Grief
Workshops. I have done holiday gatherings for widowed persons as holidays are particularly painful.
Marcia Palmer