Guy C. Klitgaard

The Widowed Persons Association of California (WPAC) appeals to a wide variety of people with many different interests and needs, but who all share the common condition of widowhood. The loss of a loved one is difficult, but how one copes depends on a lot of different things. For example, some cannot conceive of how to live without their lost partner, some are alone to face the grieving, while others are surrounded and/or supported by family. Some are still working and around others daily, while others are not and often not prepared to handle all the things that come up and must be addressed with the situation.

WPAC can be of great help for those having a hard time dealing with widowhood as well as for those who generally get through the grieving process without too much difficulty but who are lost regarding where to go from here with their lives. This basically refers to individuals like me. I came into WPAC because I met someone who was involved who spoke highly of the organization. It was really an eye opening experience and I have become an enthusiastic member.

I had no idea such an organization existed and it was hard to believe the wide variety of services and assistance WPAC provided. The Recovery Workshops and Support Groups meet on a regular basis to provide entry level members the immediate services needed to help them through a most difficult time. These are most important and exceptional. A helping hand when one is lost is a blessing indeed and something that is as impressive as what is provided by WPAC needs widespread praise and acknowledgement.

The individuals I met in my initial contacts were warm and friendly and provided a lot of social interaction. Being social animals we all need that, some more than others, but we often do not know where to start or look for such help, particularly if we are new to the area or of, “ahem,” advanced age. There seemed to be activities for everyone, but also an openness to develop other activities should individuals indicate an interest in something not currently on the slate. I jumped in with both feet and made many friends in various activities like dancing, dinners, and short trips here and there. The effect was to move on with my life, to find joy and interest in things again and get back into a mode I think my lost loved one would hope for me. We only have one life to live as far as I can tell, so l believe it should be lived to the fullest and how lucky we are when, after a great loss, we can find an organization that is essentially dedicated to doing just that.

Guy C. Klitgaard
November 2020


Phone: (916) 972-9722

Office Hours:
M - W - F    10 am - 1 pm


Mailing Address:
2628 El Camino Avenue Suite D-18
Sacramento, CA 95821

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Widowed Persons Association of California, Sacramento (WPAC™)


A non-profit, non-denominational community service organization dedicated to helping widowed men and women overcome grief after the loss of their spouse.

WPAC™ offers Grief Recovery Programs consisting of weekly Sunday Support, and a six-week Grief Recovery Workshop, held 4 times per year. WPAC also offers an extensive Social Activities calendar.
