Membership Information

Membership is open to all widowed persons. Prospective members are welcome to attend three WPAC™ chapter functions while deciding whether to join. Sunday Support and Grief Recovery Workshops are free of charge, are open to any widow/widower and not part of the three functions limit.

Dues are payable each year on January 1st. Yearly dues are $150.  To join, complete Membership form (editable form online) for you to print or contact the office and one will be mailed to you. Once your form is completed, mail with a copy of death certificate and your check to the office located at 2628 El Camino Avenue Ste D-18, Sacramento CA 95821

All dues go entirely to support the operating expenses of the organization: office lease, printing, mailing, telephone cost, office supplies, etc. All officers and committee chairpersons serve without salary.

Each member receives a monthly newsletter with a calendar of activities and social events. Members also receive a copy of the Bylaws/Standing Rules and a roster of members.


Contact us at:


Phone: (916) 972-9722

Office Hours:
M - W - F    10 am - 1 pm


Mailing Address:
2628 El Camino Avenue Suite D-18
Sacramento, CA 95821

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Widowed Persons Association of California, Sacramento (WPAC™)


A non-profit, non-denominational community service organization dedicated to helping widowed men and women overcome grief after the loss of their spouse.

WPAC™ offers Grief Recovery Programs consisting of weekly Sunday Support, and a six-week Grief Recovery Workshop, held 4 times per year. WPAC also offers an extensive Social Activities calendar.
